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14 posts

placing high-confidence bets in mediocristan and winning

life in Mediocristan is quite enjoyable. It reminds me of Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria. The ocean is nearby, and the climate is pleasant. Never too cold, never too hot.

when you cross the street, you remove data

more data--such as paying attention to the eye colors of the people around when crossing the street--can make you miss the big truck.

only one new year resolution --> don't buy shit

so be it resolved, that I will not, in the entirety of year 2025, buy shit unless such shit has one of the following three characteristics.

fred rogers testifies before congress

fred rogers testifies before congress

after watching this mesmerizing speech and reading the YouTube comments, I have the sensation that I have missed something important.

virtue over fortune in investing and other pastimes

since you can't help yourself, then let's use the word "virtue" for the disciplined application of your method, and the word "fortune" for the outcome of your "investments."

the victim card on Christmas Eve

the victim card on Christmas Eve

for what would so soon destroy all the order of society, and deform life with violence and ravage, as a permission to every one to judge his own cause...

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

beware the ambition of petty accomplishments

the ambition of petty accomplishments, in which we believe we’re advancing, but a wiser perspective offers the opposite diagnosis.

knocked down to the essentials

the environment is driving me, subconsciously, to choose the effective over the fancy.

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