only one new year resolution --> don't buy shit
so be it resolved, that I will not, in the entirety of year 2025, buy shit unless such shit has one of the following three characteristics.
The wide angle takes away the real life effect of overwhelm and despair.

That's my garage on December 28, 2024. But my garage is also my escape room, supposedly. My gym equipment and a nice desk with a 34" monitor are there somewhere underneath the clutter.
So be it resolved, that I will not, in the entirety of year 2025, buy shit unless such shit has one of the following three characteristics:
- is in digital form (i.e., no physical stuff)
- is replacing shit that has been rendered unusable (through wear and tear, violence, or acts of God)
- is an article from my secret wishlist
but none will matter
because none of the clutter is mine.
It's my children and wife's. And they cannot stop buying things because the things they buy are "necessary" and, often, "necessary and purchased at a discount".