"Maximus was my model for self-control, fixity of purpose, and cheerfulness under ill-health or other misfortunes. "
luis arrieta
77 posts
Surfing is style, and the epitome of style is Gerry Lopez dropping on a massive wave at Pipeline while impassively scratching his nose.
The sea engulfed a sailor in its depths. Unaware, his mother goes and lights a tall candle before the ikon of our Lady
This quote from Christoper Hitchens resurfaced today (thanks to readwise). What an elegant way to sum up one's moral compass.
I've been looking for speed and a clean-looking theme. Have not had luck with Wordpress (I think mostly for not knowing where to look).
for the untrained ear, for the diletante music enthusiast, it sounds arbitrary and subjective to claim that there is such a thing as the best rock guitar solo of all time.
The history of the silent solo hiking film (SSH) is rather short. Not even five years old. Yet, with the ascent of Harmen Hoek, have we reached the pinnacle already?
But if we reorient our view from the survival machine's to that of the gene, then it makes perfect sense that some molecules do not code for anything.