More data--such as paying attention to the eye colors of the people around when crossing the street--can make you miss the big truck.
the blog of l.arrieta
this is where i document the useless and unimportant things that i enjoy: poetry, travel, books, photos, surfing, science, cats
So be it resolved, that I will not, in the entirety of year 2025, buy shit unless such shit has one of the following three characteristics.
when nerds become restless at work about getting promoted to higher levels of management, they double down on their nerd skills to increase their output.
I kept them with me babe, I put them with my own, can't make it all alone, I've built my dreams around you
after watching this mesmerizing speech and reading the YouTube comments, I have the sensation that I have missed something important.
rick beato, a man with taste
"music is composed of melody, harmony, and rhythm... and these days many of the popular songs are rhythm only." (Charly Garcia)
mediocre amateur
trail running, hiking, climbing, skiing, and travel we’re not experts we’re amateurs.