life in Mediocristan is quite enjoyable. It reminds me of Lawrence Durrell's Alexandria. The ocean is nearby, and the climate is pleasant. Never too cold, never too hot.

the blog of l.arrieta
this is where i document the useless and unimportant things that i enjoy: poetry, travel, books (the classics), photos, surfing, science, cats
against my (acquired) skepticism of anything published in the last 50 years (exceptions: Kazuo Ishiguro's novels, The Selfish Gene), I picked up Nassim N. Taleb's Antifragile.
nowadays our hikes are frequent, easy, and short. We drive long distances to reach the trailhead, and typically do not make it to the main attraction (the waterfall, the pool, the giant sequoia), but we do have lots of fun.
morning hike in the desert
more data--such as paying attention to the eye colors of the people around when crossing the street--can make you miss the big truck.

rick beato, a man with taste
"music is composed of melody, harmony, and rhythm... and these days many of the popular songs are rhythm only." (Charly Garcia)

mediocre amateur
trail running, hiking, climbing, skiing, and travel we’re not experts we’re amateurs.